Inspired by the fantastic works of Antony Gormley - (in specific the sculpture called 'three thoughts'), I created my latest offering in ode to the genius that he is.
What do you think?
What’s in a thought and how is it free -
do our visions confine how you and I see?
A bubble of air or a strand of your soul;
an imprinted record in the rings of your bones?
Should they fly, could you catch them – and tie them to stone;
then be judged on intentions of actions untold?
If thoughts were a colour, what hue would they be;
are pessimists blue and optimists green?
To consider iniquity, does it make you bad;
or add to your virtue when you fail to act?
When a thought turns to memory,
where does it go?
There’s one thing for sure:
nobody knows.
(c) Copyright Jane Edwards 2010
1 comment:
very good however is a thought not bounded by soft deteriminism and language?
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